Preserving Mental Health in a Digital World: Finding Balance Between Social Media and Conscious Disconnection

Preserving Mental Health in a Digital World: Finding Balance Between Social Media and Conscious Disconnection

How Does the Culture of Performance Impact Our Mental Health on Social Media? Find Out Here

In the fast-paced world of social media, have you ever felt the constant pressure to maintain a flawless image and create irresistible content? Welcome to the culture of performance, where we find ourselves caught in an endless cycle of updates, posts, and responses, all with the aim of standing out and being relevant in a hyperconnected world.

But at what cost? This culture of performance pushes us to be always active and available, creating an obsession with notifications and constant exhaustion. The need to stay up to date with the latest posts, respond to messages immediately, and constantly keep ourselves updated keeps us in a state of constant alertness and demand. This not only drains our mental and emotional energy but also affects our ability to disconnect and enjoy moments of rest and relaxation.

Moreover, social media leads us into a constant comparison with others' seemingly perfect lives. Exposed to carefully curated images and positive narratives, it's easy to fall into the trap of feeling inferior and envious. This constant comparison undermines our self-esteem and generates feelings of personal dissatisfaction when our lives don't meet the imposed standards.

But that's not all. Communication on social media has become brief and superficial. Complex thoughts and profound reflections are reduced to simple "likes" or quick comments. This lack of depth hinders contemplation and deep reflection, which are essential for our mental health. The constant need for superficial interactions and being always connected prevents us from disconnecting from the digital world and dedicating time to reflection.

In this context, it's crucial to become aware of the effects of the culture of performance on our mental health and learn to establish healthy boundaries in the use of social media. We must remember that our worth is not based on the number of followers, likes, or comments we receive. Authenticity, real connection, and caring for our mental health should be our priorities when engaging with social media.

The culture of performance on social media exhausts us, entangles us in constant comparison, and hampers deep reflection. To preserve our mental health in this digital environment, it's vital to set limits and strike a balance between our online time and moments of disconnection and profound reflection. By doing so, we can enjoy the benefits of social media without jeopardizing our psychological well-being.

"We don't have the patience for a wait in which something can mature slowly. The only thing that matters is short-term effect, swift success. Actions are shortened and turned into reactions. Experiences are reduced to mere occurrences. Feelings are impoverished in the form of emotions or affects. We don't have access to reality, which only reveals itself to contemplative attention." (Page 22, The Contemplative Life, Byung-Chul Han).


Han, B. (2023). Contemplative Life: Praise of Inactivity. TAURUS.

Han, B. (2021). Non-Things: Breakdowns of Today's World. TAURUS.

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